Hip Pain Relief and Knee Pain Relief Kitchener, Waterloo, Elmira, ON

Hip Pain

Say Goodbye To Hip Pain With Physiotherapy!


Hip pain is a prevalent issue worldwide, affecting approximately 7% of adults in the United States who suffer from hip pain. This discomfort doesn’t discriminate and can affect people of all age groups. However, it’s more common in older individuals, with nearly 14% of adults aged 60 years and older reporting hip pain. SOS Physiotherapy in Kitchener, Waterloo, Elmira and Guelph, ON is here to help you stride confidently toward a pain-free future.

Hip pain can occur due to various conditions such as arthritis, bursitis, hip fractures, tendinitis, and muscle or tendon strain. These conditions can significantly impede your daily activities, restricting mobility and diminishing your quality of life.

The good news is physiotherapy has emerged as a highly effective method of managing hip conditions. Patients with hip osteoarthritis who underwent physiotherapy experienced significant pain reduction and functional improvement.

Our skilled physiotherapists in Kitchener, Waterloo, Elmira and Guelph, ON are dedicated to alleviating pain and improving mobility. We customize therapeutic strategies based on your specific condition and needs. Our treatment plans encompass targeted exercises, flexibility training, strength building, balance exercises, and education about prevention strategies, ensuring comprehensive care.

Physiotherapy can mitigate your pain and enhance your hip joint’s flexibility and strength. It aids in restoring your normal hip function, helping you return to your regular activities, and leading an active, pain-free life.

With SOS Physiotherapy, you no longer have to endure hip pain. Our team is eager to empower you on your journey toward recovery, providing the support and expertise you need every step of the way.

Reach out to us today, and let’s take the first step together toward your recovery!

Common Causes of Hip Pain

Hip pain and injuries are common complaints, affecting millions worldwide each year. These conditions stem from various causes, from natural aging to athletic injuries and certain health conditions. Understanding these causes is crucial in determining the most effective physiotherapy treatment for alleviating pain and restoring function.

  • Arthritis: Arthritis is one of the most common causes of hip pain. This degenerative condition results from a breakdown of the cartilage that cushions your hip joints, leading to pain and stiffness. Osteoarthritis is typically a consequence of age, whereas rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease.
  • Bursitis: Hip bursitis is an inflammatory condition affecting the small, fluid-filled sacs (bursae) that cushion your hip joints and tendons. Overuse, injury, or certain underlying health conditions can lead to inflammation, causing pain and discomfort.
  • Tendinitis: Often associated with physical activities like running or cycling, tendinitis is an overuse injury that causes inflammation and irritation of the tendons surrounding the hip joint. It’s frequently seen in athletes or individuals with physically demanding jobs.
  • Hip Labral Tear: The labrum, a ring of cartilage that follows the outside rim of your hip joint socket, can sometimes tear due to injury, structural abnormalities, or degenerative issues. This condition can cause severe hip pain and instability.
  • Hip Fractures: Common in older adults due to osteoporosis, hip fractures are serious injuries that result from falls or significant impacts to the hip. These fractures can lead to severe pain and significantly impair mobility.
  • Hip Impingement: Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI) occurs when there is abnormal contact between the hip joint’s ball and socket, leading to pain and limiting movement.

Each condition requires a different treatment approach. By understanding the underlying cause of hip pain or injury, our physiotherapists in Kitchener, Waterloo, Elmira and Guelph, ON can devise a treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

Celebrating Our Patients’ Success

For at least two years I was having trouble in my hip area. After about 4 months of treatment and prescribed exercises (stretching) program I have gone from a high pain level of 10 down to 1. I am so pleased with the relief I feel and the ability to move without pain.
– Linda Horn

When I first showed up, I had chronic pain in my SI joint, regular seizing through my opposite hip, and diminished strength and range of motion. After a few months of work, the pain is no longer chronic, my range of motion has improved dramatically, and I’m strong again.

– Shantell Powell

I started coming to SOS approximately 1 year ago after being diagnosed with Osteoarthritis in the knee & hip. Coco has helped me develop stretches and exercises to keep me mobile while awaiting surgery. She has also helped with pain control. Coco’s upbeat personality and professionalism has kept me coming back! SOS staff have all been friendly, pleasant and accommodating.

– Darlene Hawkins

I was introduced to SOS through one of their Saturday Workshop meetings. I was suffering with pinched nerves in my hip/back area. Because of arthritis I am nervous of manipulations. Steve was fabulous. The dry needles were so helpful.

– Marion Johnston

As a competitive Irish Dancer, training 6 days a week, my Physiotherapist Andrew Woelk has been a major part of my preparation for the World Championships. Due to my dancing, I have had pain in my feet and hips when dancing and walking. Andrew has been an amazing help working with me to manage the pain so I can continue to train. By showing me useful stretches, doing ultrasounds and needling, I have been able to perform at my fullest potential.

– Julia Sullivan

Over a year ago, I started having pain in my hip and groin to the point I was having problems walking. Adam has been able to decrease my pain and increase my mobility. He suggested a hip brace to help me through the day as well as stretches and exercises. Before Adam, I was not able to walk distances without having to stop. Sometimes, with such awful pain I was not able to finish what I was doing and often ended up limping. Now I have more good days than bad, not limping as often, increase in range of motion, and I am able to get up on my parents roof to shovel snow!

– Karen Smart

I sought out Physiotherapy to relieve chronic spine and joint pain and have noticed considerate improvement in motion and decreased pain in my hips and legs.

– M.P

True Hip Pain Relief at SOS Physiotherapy

Experience true hip pain relief at SOS Physiotherapy, where our dedication to your wellness is our priority. Our physiotherapists in Kitchener, Waterloo, Elmira and Guelph, ON will begin with a comprehensive evaluation of your health status. We delve into your medical history, gathering critical information about your past and present health conditions, treatments, and surgeries. This deep understanding of your health background enables us to tailor our treatment strategy effectively and safely for you.

Next, we proceed to a hands-on assessment. Our therapists conduct a physical examination of the area causing discomfort, identifying any abnormalities in soft tissues and joints. This hands-on approach is key in guiding our treatment plan.

We then conduct a range of motion and strength testing. We evaluate your joints’ mobility and muscles’ power, understanding your current capabilities and limitations. We also include functional testing in our evaluation process. This involves assessing your ability to perform tasks replicating daily activities, thereby providing us with an understanding of your current functional status and areas needing improvement.

For hip pain management, we offer a suite of specialized treatments:

  • Therapeutic Exercises: Tailored exercise programs designed to increase strength, flexibility, and endurance in the hip area, improving overall mobility and function.
  • Manual Therapy: Hands-on techniques, including joint mobilizations and soft tissue massage to reduce pain and enhance movement.
  • Balance and Gait Training: This treatment improves stability and walking patterns, reducing the risk of falls and subsequent injuries.
  • Education and Lifestyle Modifications: Guidance on lifestyle changes and proper body mechanics that will promote a healthier hip and prevent future injuries.

At SOS Physiotherapy, we provide a personalized pathway to hip pain relief, combining therapies to suit your unique condition. Don’t let hip pain keep you from living the life you want.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan

  3. Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!